DCG 프레지 제작 포트폴리오 다운로드 받기: http://goo.gl/buogmp
1. 2010 ICLEI 세계환경회의 채식만찬
(Meat free Dinner in Future of Cities 2010, hosted by Incheon Metropolitan City & ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability)
- When: Sep. 2010.
- Link: http://prezi.com/bbndu3bpx8tp/meat-free-dinner/
- VDO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KniaJ1tSX5k
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/443
- Client: Incheon Metropolitan City, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability
2. 사랑과 영혼을 담은 외국어 학습법 (Deep language learning with love & soul)
- When: Nov. 2010.
- Link: http://prezi.com/tmofyzqtuvqv/presentation/
- VDO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oqx49pMvfE
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/447
- Client: SSRONET (Youth Media Center in Seoul)
3. Prezi의 감성적이고 예술적인 활용법 (Principles of Prezi, and beyond)
- When: Nov. 2010.
- Link: http://prezi.com/f7fdkst0h-jm/prezi/
- VDO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NF8fz-0Gfc
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/448
- Client: SSRONET(Youth Media Center in Seoul), Prezi Users Group in Busan
4. 길(the Way)
- When: Nov. 2010.
- Link: http://prezi.com/sctpxyrhuq2q/decision-on-the-way/
- VDO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ojlS7jWS2E
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/444
- Lecture @ Prezi Users Group in Korea, JungAng Univ. British Council in Korea, Eco-business Contest, JungJa middle school, JungAng high school, Youth Training Center in DunNe, 8 Ink, etc.
5. I will rock you
- When: Aug. 2010.
- Link: http://prezi.com/fgaiwy0dbsup/welcome-to-the-world-of-rock-rule/
- VDO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NsKNL7LJOI
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/434
- Lecture @ HanYang Univ. Korea Aerospace University, etc.
6. 지도 밖으로 행군하면 개고생이다! 인도편. (Stumbling along the map! India)
- Link: http://prezi.com/jfdjck-jx0iz/snow-leopard-in-himalaya/
- VDO: http://vimeo.com/20058238
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/478
- Lecture: SSRONET(Youth Media Center in Seoul)
7. 프레지의 감성적이고 예술적인 활용법(Principles of Prezi, and Beyond) Ver. 2.0
- Link: http://prezi.com/fgaiwy0dbsup/2emotion-art-in-prezi-ver-20/
- VDO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAn0WJTc-Cg
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/482
- Lecture @ HUNET, TED in Kookmin Univ., Academy of Korean Economy, I&Company, Media Center in Busan, etc
8. 길(the Way) Ver 2.0
- Link: http://prezi.com/plj45s_faazq/welcome-to-doers-ver-20/
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/491
- Lecture @ SK Communications, the 20th's Network, Green Fund & Meat Free Monday, GiveEnergy, Far East Univ, MyongJi Univ. 등
9. Pray for Japan from 한국(Korea) Prezi users
- Link: http://prezi.com/hvjwlq6cva4g/pray-for-japan-from-korean-prezi-users/
- Post: http://www.doertalk.org/492
그 외 다수의 자료들을 기업, 기관, 단체 고객들을 대상으로 제작해 드리고 있으며, 워크샵 및 강연을 진행하고 있습니다. 추가 요청은 아래링크로 부탁드립니다!
And I am working on many other secured Prezi design projects for companies, organizations and individuals. Feel free to inquire workshops & lectures, too!
프레지 강연 요청(Prezi Lecture Request): http://www.doertalk.org/notice/517
by Doer 안영일(http://www.twitter.com/doerahn)
'생각과 행동' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Doer] 지도 밖으로 행군하면 개고생이다! Doer 안영일의 인도 여행담 강연이 영상으로 나왔습니다^^ (강연 자료: 프레지) (10) | 2011.02.18 |
[Doer] 기후변화 패션쇼 개최 - 2011. 2. 25(금). 저녁 7시. 여의도 플로팅 스테이지. 참가비 무료! (4) | 2011.02.12 |
[Doer] 제1회 한일 에코비즈니스 컨테스트가 개최됩니다. 저는 행사 중 강연을 맡았습니다^^ (2) | 2011.02.10 |
[Doer] 우리는 부자연스러운 것들을 자연스럽게 디자인합니다(We design naturals from unnaturals). (4) | 2011.02.07 |
[Doer] 프레지의 감성적이고 예술적인 활용법 부산 강연회를 성황리에 마쳤습니다!! (4) | 2011.02.02 |